by dmsAdmin | Sep 24, 2020
As patients who put off medical services surge back into the healthcare system, radiology and imaging departments are feeling the impact. Imaging departments who experienced historically low volumes in the Spring are now faced with backlogs that stretch weeks. The...
by dmsAdmin | May 5, 2020
The entire medical system of the United States has been focused on a single threat over the past eight weeks. While the dangers from COVID-19 remain present, many states are beginning to open back up, and as capacity increases, medical facilities are easing back into...
by dmsAdmin | Apr 16, 2020
How reliant is your medical facility on your imaging suite? For most hospitals and clinics, certain aspects of diagnosis and treatment decisions can’t happen without the availability of imaging. You can’t guide a catheter for angioplasty without the assistance of...
by dmsAdmin | Apr 3, 2020
While the majority of the current COVID-19 related news pertains to the care and treatment of patients with confirmed coronavirus cases, there is emerging data about the complications that can arise after a patient recovers from the virus.New JAMA StudyA recent...
by dmsAdmin | Mar 27, 2020
Hospitals are seeing the demand for emergency healthcare services quickly surpass an area’s capacity. Vital imaging services are being delayed or canceled due to a lack of resources or a fear of infection. Hospitals are ground zero in the fight against COVID-19, and...